one-act comedy / farce | 3 female & 4 male actors
DAPHNE is a contemporary romantic farce based on three mistaken identities, stolen diamonds, and a rubber plant named Mary.
The play premiered in March 1989, produced by the RC Players at the Residential College Auditorium, University of Michigan. The comedy was directed by Beth Arman and Kate Gordon. The RC Players cast, in order of appearance, included Rob Mintz (Joe), Garth Skovgard (Gary), Navera Durrani (Daphne), Samantha Braunstein (Susan), Pete Kraft (Ed), Jen Weaver (Lilly), and Nate Hayes (Cop).
| Mary, the rubber tree plant on psychedelic drugs. This never happens in the play. Right? Right. It doesn't happen, right?
PHOTO CREDITS | Creative Commons / Original cover art on Elton John's Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy albumn by Dave Christensen