a short piece | 2 female & 2 male actors
You know what a mourning dove sounds like, right? Think about it.
First produced as a class project at the
under the name THE WHIP-POOR-WILL, the play premiered in 1994 under its present name at the Hudson Theatre in Los Angeles by the Live Arts Theatre Group. It was directed by Jerry Levine with the following cast: Ben Meyerson (Jack), Michelle Danner (Jenna), Annie Grindlay (Margaret), and Brian Drillinger (Arthur).| Set for THE WHIP-POOR-WILL (a.k.a. DOVE) at the Yale School of Drama. Sorry, no pics of the LATG production.
| The guilty party.
PHOTO CREDITS | Top of Page . Creative Commons | Production Photo . Courtesy of some kind soul on the production team | Pigeon . Lisa Reardon